Sunday, August 12, 2018

Getting Old

This Might be a Year (or two) Late
DJ Martin

“I’m never getting old”
“Me neither”

These lines came from the TV Series Thirteen Reasons Why which I believe [from] Season 1 Episode 9 around 30 minutes or so. Of all the strong lines that gave a striking message, or produced quality content that of a series, these two struck me most. It’s really simple. It’s just six words separated in two phrases coming from Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker. It came to me that as I was finishing this series how serious small situations, sometimes not even harmful at all, can construct bigger and much heavier effects that fucks (sorry for the language) everything up. I never finished it yet—I procrastinated (in terms of watching this series) for about half a year and I am already outdated with the second season already coming out (or probably is already out)

What pushed me to write this without even finishing the episode is very simple. I knew what Clay meant and it didn’t even occur to me that such line is becoming an unspoken mantra of mine. No one ever wants to get old yet no one ever stays young. I think I get what he meant in that exact line considering what was happening to him as the episodes progress. For all those who already watched the show, it’s pretty clear that the happenings speak a strong language that sends a message on how depression may kill. But with this essay, I won’t tackle much about that. I particularly would like to address how Clay wants to portray whatever is or was going on in his mind. He was either honest or sarcastic when he said that yet he never wanted to change even though he knew for a fact he’ll be old. On a deeper aspect, he does not want to forget what happened to Hannah unlike all the other students who listened to the tapes and what’s worse was he almost didn’t realize that he is getting old—all the circumstances were pushing him to move on. He deemed himself useless and seeing the world like shit coming out because of a cesspool of idiot high-school students who are either self-centered or just indifferent or worse, both. I just realized in the weirdest way that life can be self-centered or indifferent or even be both but in a perspective where no one wins because everyone has a point. In the saddest way, we either want to leave it or live it. We don’t want to get old but sometimes as we say that line, we don’t realize we already are. We are already there and we choose to ignore, we choose to not choose.

Maybe I never watched enough episodes or maybe I haven’t watched anything yet. Let’s see on a more profound essay.

Thank you for reading!

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